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Featured profiles from Namibia


31 - Swakopmund, Namibia

Am a Loving, honest and down to earth girl. I love nice things and looking nice. I love travel and nature


59 - Windhoek, Namibia

Moet nooit iemand op sy baadjie/ blaaitjie takseer nie, blaai na bladsy 7 en lees meer...ons almal het...


48 - Walvis Bay, Namibia

Ek is op soek na ware liefde en geluk en n vrou wat my andvaar soos ek is En hou van my soos ek is en moet vol...


46 - Swakopmund, Namibia

Ek is n buite mens.hou van natuur en see. Hou my met baie dinge besig. Love kos maak. Toer ook baie.


49 - Windhoek, Namibia

Ek is eintlik n baie eenkant persoon Plat op die aarde en vriendelik Ek hou van tv kyk en sing al.sing ek ook...


43 - Okahandja, Namibia

Ek is n bubble vol lag gees, ek is baie diverse. Ek hou van opregte vriende, en glo nie daaraan om iemand te...

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I am glad that I have met my love. He is amazing.
Mirilla, 22 July 2024
I found the one I have been looking for. I am grateful and thank you for the platform.
Matobole, 28 July 2024
Thank you. I met the man of my life after only being on this site for 3 months. It may seem too soon..but when you know, you know. He's my perfect match in every way. So grateful to be able to spend the rest of my life with him.
Coral, 10 August 2024